Navigating Change
A step-by-step guide to leading humans through change.
Life changes. And moving through change is challenging. And yet, not only can we get better at change, change can make us better – building our confidence and effectiveness to handle a complex world. So those of us who aspire to be leaders need to get comfortable and skilful at dealing with change – for the benefit of those around us and ourselves. Navigating Change is a Let’s Go toolkit for exactly this.
It has been built from combining two ways of looking at the world, that together can give us a meaningful grip on change and help us see what is needed:
1. The Let’s Go Change Loop® is a useful picture of how humans move through change. It expresses the four phases of change, as well as the important transition moments. Seeing how we move through the phases in the real world can help us make choices that meet the moment we are in.
2. The Let’s Go Model® is a powerful way to understand the human dynamics of groups doing something together. Change affects groups, and so at each phase of change we need to pay attention to Belief, Structure, Involvement, Progress and Care–and to bring our Presence.
The heart of this toolkit is the simple idea that what is needed for each dynamic is different at each phase.